Recent Projects:
Automatic Plant Watering Project using ESP32 Web Server
Make Automatic Plant Watering project using ESP32 Web Server and soil moisture sensor. With OLED display & web interface for remote control.
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IoT project using ESP01 Arduino Cloud & Google Home
Make simple IoT project using the ESP01 Arduino Cloud control relay with FREE tools. Explained Circuit & Source Code.
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Water Level indicator using ESP32 Arduino IoT Cloud
Ultrasonic water level indicator using an ESP32, and Arduino IoT Cloud platform. Explained with circuit, source code and used all FREE tools.
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Home Automation project using ESP32 Web Server
In this ESP32 Web Server tutorial, we’ll guide you through building a Wi-Fi-controlled relay system using the ESP32. The ESP32…
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Arduino IoT Cloud ESP8266 Home Automation
In this IoT project, I have explained how to make an Arduino Cloud ESP8266 home automation system to control appliances…
Smart Home IoT Project using Arduino Cloud & ESP32
ESP32 Smart Home IoT project to control 4 relays & monitor room temperature using Arduino Cloud, Alexa, IR remote, and switches. Circuit + Code.
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ESP32 Matter Protocol control Multiple Relays
Control multiple relays with ESP32 Matter protocol using ESP ZeroCode platform. Generate the firmware without writing a single line of code.
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ESP32 DS3231 RTC Timer control Relay – No WiFi
Make ESP32 DS3231 RTC timer control relay with OLED clock. You can set the ON/OFF time for the relay using the ESP32 access point.
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ESP32 Internal RTC Timer Control Relay
Make an ESP32 internal RTC timer control relay without any external RTC module. It uses NTP server to fetch the time. (Circuit + Code)
ESP32 project using Google Assistant Alexa & Sinric
Make IoT-based ESP32 project using Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, & Sinric to control relays. Explained Circuit + Source Code.
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IoT-based project using ESP01 Relay module
Make simple IoT project using the ESP-01 ESP8266 Sinric Pro. Control relay with Google Assistant Alexa using FREE IoT platform.
Getting started with Matter Protocol using ESP Zerocode
Get started with Matter Protocol using the ESP ZeroCode platform and ESP32. Control an LED strip with Alexa using Matter. No CODE required.
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IoT-based Voice control ESP32 WLED Project
FREE IoT-based WLED Project using ESP32 Alexa to control any RGB LED strip with voice commands, IR remote, & manual switch.
Bluetooth + Alexa ESP32 Home Automation
Make ESP32 IoT-based home automation system with Bluetooth, Amazon Alexa, IR Remote & Manual Switch. FREE tools used. (Circuit + Code).
Home Automation using ESP32 Blynk Bluetooth IR
Make IoT-based home automation using ESP32 Blynk + Bluetooth + IR remote + Manual control relays using FREE tools (Circuit + Source Code)
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ESP32 Alexa IoT Project with OTA WiFi update
Make IoT-based Alexa home automation system using ESP32, Echo Dot, & relays. Also update WiFi credentials through OTA. (Circuit + Code)
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Tasmota ESP01 Alexa control relay
Make Tasmota ESP01 ESP8266 Alexa control relay without writing a single line code. Explained Circuit and shown all the steps to make it.
ESP01 Relay Project using Blynk IoT
Make IoT-based ESP01 Relay project using the Blynk IoT & manual switch under ₹200 or $4. Explained Circuit + Source code.
ESP8266 Cadio Home Automation Project
Make ESP8266 Cadio Home Automation with Google Assistant Alexa. Control relays with voice commands & switches. (No WiFi + EEPROM).
Universal Remote Control using ESP8266 Cadio
Make IoT-based Universal Remote control using ESP8266 Cadio & Google Assistant to control all IR devices through internet. (No Code required)
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ESP32 Cadio Home Automation Project
Make IoT-based Cadio Home Automation using ESP32 Google Assistant. Control relays with voice commands & switches. (No WiFi + EEPROM)
Water Level Monitoring system using ESP8266 Blynk
Make IoT-based Water Level Monitoring System, control pump using ESP8266, & Blynk. Get LOW Water Level notification. (Circuit + Code + PCB)
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Indoor Plant Watering System project using ESP32
Make IoT-based indoor plant watering system using ESP32 Blynk & Capacitive soil moisture sensor. Having AUTO & MANUAL mode. Circuit + Code
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Water Level Controller using Arduino & Float Sensor
Make Water Level Controller with Arduino & Float Sensor to control Pump automatically. Overhead & Underground tank Water level + Circuit + Code.
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IoT Based Water Level Indicator using Ultrasonic Sensor
Make IoT-based Water Level indicator using Ultrasonic sensor, ESP32, OLED, & Blynk. Get LOW Water Level notification. (Circuit + Code + PCB)
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Amazon Echo Home Automation using ESP32
Make practical IoT-based Amazon Echo Home Automation system with fan dimmer using ESP32, ESPAlexa library, & Bluetooth. (Circuit + Code)
IoT Project with Smallest ESP32C3 Blynk
Make a practical IoT project using the Smallest ESP32C3 from the XIAO series & DHT11 sensor with the Blynk IoT platform. (Circuit + Source Code)
ESP32 Blynk IoT Project with Fan Dimmer & Bluetooth
Make ESP32 Blynk IoT + Bluetooth + IR Remote + Manual Switch control relays with Fan Dimmer circuit explained with Circuit and Source Code.
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ESP32 IoT Project using Alexa Google Home app
Make practical ESP32 IoT project using ESP RainMaker, Sensors to control relays & Fan Speed with Alexa, Google Home, IR remote, & switches.
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Home Automation System with fan speed control using ESP32 Blynk IoT
Make a practical home automation system with Fan Speed control using ESP32, sensors, and the New Blynk IoT platform. (Circuit + Source Code).
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NodeMCU IoT Project with Save Last GPIO State
Make a NodeMCU IoT project using sensors with the New Blynk Automation. It can save the last GPIO state after power failure. (Circuit + Code).
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ESP32 Project with Alexa & Google Home using ESP RainMaker
ESP32 Project to control 8 relays with Google Assistant, Alexa, IR remote & switch. Remember the last GPIO state (EEPROM). Circuit + Code.
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ESP32 Project with Google + Alexa + Bluetooth + IR + Manual Switch
Make an IoT Project using ESP RainMaker with Google Assistant, Alexa, Bluetooth, IR Remote & manual switches for FREE. (Circuit + Source Code)
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ESP RainMaker Home Automation with Google, Alexa, IR & Manual Switch
Make ESP RainMaker Home Automation with Google Assistant, Alexa, IR, & manual switch. Also, add Timer & monitor Sensors. (Circuit + Code).
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IoT Project using ESP RainMaker with Google Assistant Alexa & Manual Switch
Make an IoT project using ESP RainMaker with Google Assistant & Alexa to control 8 Relays with Voice commands and Switches. (Circuit + Code).
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ESP8266 IoT Project with Blynk Automation
Make ESP8266 IoT Project to control relays with Blynk + Google Assistant + IR Remote + Switches. Also, add Automation for Sensor + Timer.
IoT Project using ESP32 with Blynk Automation
Make IoT project using ESP32 to control relays with Blynk + Google Assistant + IR Remote + Switches. Also, add Automation for Sensor + Timer.
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LoRa ESP8266 Arduino IoT Project with Google Assistant & Alexa
Make a LoRa ESP8266 Arduino IoT project with Google Assistant and Alexa. Explained transmitter and receiver Lora Circuit & Source Codes.
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MQ2 gas sensor and Rain detection with Blynk Notification
Make an IoT-based MQ2 Gas sensor and rain detection system using NodeMCU ESP8266 or ESP32 with Blynk Notification. (Circuit + Code).
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LoRa Project using Arduino ESP8266 control Relay with feedback
Make the LoRa Project using Arduino ESP8266 control relays with real-time feedback on OLED display. (Download Circuit + Source Code).
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Arduino IoT Project with Google Assistant & Alexa app using ESP8266
Make FREE Arduino IoT Project using Arduino UNO & ESP-01 to control relay with Google Assistant, Alexa, IR Remote & Switch (Circuit + Code)
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Arduino Relay Project using Bluetooth IR Remote and EEPROM
Make Arduino Relay project with EEPROM to control appliances using Bluetooth, IR Remote, and manual switches. (Circuit + Source Code)
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IoT Project using ESP32 NodeMCU network with Blynk App
Make an IoT project using ESP32 NodeMCU networks with new Blynk IoT to control relays from the Blynk IoT app & switch. (Circuit + Code)
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LoRa IoT Project using Arduino ESP8266 with Blynk
Make LoRa IoT project using Arduino ESP8266 NodeMCU with feedback. Explained the LoRa WiFi project with Blynk cloud setup + Circuit + Codes.
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ESP01 ESP8266 Projects using Blynk Google Assistant
Make ESP01 ESP8266 projects using Blynk and Google Assistant to control relays with voice commands and switches. (Circuit + Source Code).
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NodeMCU Projects using Blynk Google Assistant
Make NodeMCU projects using Blynk and Google Assistant to control relays with voice commands & manual switches. (Circuit + Source Code)
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LoRa Arduino ESP8266 control Relay with feedback
Make LoRa Arduino ESP8266 control relay with feedback using RYLR896 LoRa module. Range = 10KM. Explained with Circuit + Source Codes.
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IoT Smart Home Project using ESP32 Blynk
Make an IoT Smart Home Project using ESP32 Blynk to control 8 relays with the internet and manual switch. (Circuit + Source Code)
Home Automation using NodeMCU ESP8266 and Blynk 2.0
Make home automation using NodeMCU ESP8266 and Blynk 2.0 with real-time feedback. Explained Blynk IoT Cloud setup, Circuit and Code.
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DHT11 Arduino Weather Station
In this Arduino project, I have explained how to make a simple weather station using DHT11 Arduino Nano to measure…
ESP32 Alexa Home Automation System with Echo DOT
Make ESP32 Alexa Smart Home System to control 8 appliances with voice commands and manual switches. Explained with Circuit & source Code.
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Home Automation using IoT with Blynk ESP32 and sensors
Make Home Automation using IoT with new Blynk 2.0 ESP32, DHT11 sensor, LDR with real-time feedback, No WiFi control with IR remote & Switch.
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Alexa Home Automation with NodeMCU ESP8266 & Echo Dot
How to make an Alexa home automation project with manual switches using NodeMCU ESP8266, relay module, and amazon echo dot.
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ESP32 Bluetooth and IR Remote control Smart House
Make ESP32 Bluetooth & IR Remote control smart home system to control 8 relays from mobile, IR remote, & switches. ( Circuit + Source Code ).
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Tasmota ESP32 Alexa voice control Home Automation with Sensor
Circuit + step-by-step guide to make Tasmota ESP32 Alexa Home Automation system to control 8 relays with Amazon Alexa and switches.
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Tasmota NodeMCU ESP8266 Home Automation Project
Circuit + step-by-step guide to make Tasmota NodeMCU ESP8266 Home Automation project to control 4 relays with Alexa and switches.
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Arduino IoT Cloud ESP8266 NodeMCU Alexa Home Automation system
Make Arduino IoT Cloud ESP8266 NodeMCU Alexa Home Automation system using all FREE tools. Explained this IoT Project with CIrcuit & Code.
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ESP32 Home Automation using Alexa & IR Remote with Feedback
ESP32 Home Automation using Alexa, IR Remote, and Manual switch to control 8 relays (Feedback + no Wi-Fi). Explained with CIrcuit and Code.
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ESP32 IoT Home Automation using Blynk & IR Remote
Make ESP32 IoT Home Automation using Blynk App & IR Remote to control 8 relays with and without the internet. Explained with Circuit & Code.
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IoT based projects using ESP32 with Google Home & Alexa
Make simple IoT-based Projects using ESP32 to control Relays with Google Assistant and Alexa with voice commands. With Circuit & Code.
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