ESP32 Smart Home IoT project to control 4 relays & monitor room temperature using Arduino Cloud, Alexa, IR remote, and switches. Circuit + Code.

Control multiple relays with ESP32 Matter protocol using ESP ZeroCode platform. Generate the firmware without writing a single line of code.

Make IoT-based ESP32 project using Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, & Sinric to control relays. Explained Circuit + Source Code.

Make simple IoT project using the ESP-01 ESP8266 Sinric Pro. Control relay with Google Assistant Alexa using FREE IoT platform.

Get started with Matter Protocol using the ESP ZeroCode platform and ESP32. Control an LED strip with Alexa using Matter. No CODE required.

FREE IoT-based WLED Project using ESP32 Alexa to control any RGB LED strip with voice commands, IR remote, & manual switch.

Make ESP32 IoT-based home automation system with Bluetooth, Amazon Alexa, IR Remote & Manual Switch. FREE tools used. (Circuit + Code).

Make IoT-based Alexa home automation system using ESP32, Echo Dot, & relays. Also update WiFi credentials through OTA. (Circuit + Code)

Make Tasmota ESP01 ESP8266 Alexa control relay without writing a single line code. Explained Circuit and shown all the steps to make it.

Make ESP8266 Cadio Home Automation with Google Assistant Alexa. Control relays with voice commands & switches. (No WiFi + EEPROM).

Make practical IoT-based Amazon Echo Home Automation system with fan dimmer using ESP32, ESPAlexa library, & Bluetooth. (Circuit + Code)

Make practical ESP32 IoT project using ESP RainMaker, Sensors to control relays & Fan Speed with Alexa, Google Home, IR remote, & switches.