Recent Articles:

Water Level indicator using ESP32 Arduino IoT Cloud

Home Automation project using ESP32 Web Server
In this ESP32 Web Server tutorial, we’ll guide you through building a Wi-Fi-controlled relay system using the ESP32. The ESP32…

Arduino IoT Cloud ESP8266 Home Automation
In this IoT project, I have explained how to make an Arduino Cloud ESP8266 home automation system to control appliances…
ESP8266 Projects:
Arduino IoT Cloud ESP8266 Home Automation
In this IoT project, I have explained how to make an Arduino Cloud ESP8266 home automation system to control appliances…
IoT-based project using ESP01 Relay module
Make simple IoT project using the ESP-01 ESP8266 Sinric Pro. Control relay with Google Assistant Alexa using FREE IoT platform.
Tasmota ESP01 Alexa control relay
Make Tasmota ESP01 ESP8266 Alexa control relay without writing a single line code. Explained Circuit and shown all the steps to make it.
ESP32 Projects:
Water Level indicator using ESP32 Arduino IoT Cloud
Ultrasonic water level indicator using an ESP32, and Arduino IoT Cloud platform. Explained with circuit, source code and used all FREE tools.
Home Automation project using ESP32 Web Server
In this ESP32 Web Server tutorial, we’ll guide you through building a Wi-Fi-controlled relay system using the ESP32. The ESP32…
Smart Home IoT Project using Arduino Cloud & ESP32
ESP32 Smart Home IoT project to control 4 relays & monitor room temperature using Arduino Cloud, Alexa, IR remote, and switches. Circuit + Code.
Arduino Projects:
Water Level Controller using Arduino & Float Sensor
Make Water Level Controller with Arduino & Float Sensor to control Pump automatically. Overhead & Underground tank Water level + Circuit + Code.
LoRa ESP8266 Arduino IoT Project with Google Assistant & Alexa
Make a LoRa ESP8266 Arduino IoT project with Google Assistant and Alexa. Explained transmitter and receiver Lora Circuit & Source Codes.
LoRa Project using Arduino ESP8266 control Relay with feedback
Make the LoRa Project using Arduino ESP8266 control relays with real-time feedback on OLED display. (Download Circuit + Source Code).
Arduino IoT Cloud tutorial for ESP8266 & ESP32
In the Arduino IoT Cloud tutorial, I have explained how to set up FREE Arduino IoT Cloud account to connect ESP8266 or ESP32 in details.
ESP32 Save Data Permanently using Preferences Library
Preferences Library replaces the EEPROM library. Power failures or Resets do not affect the data held in flash memory. Step by Step Tutorial.
Steps to Install WLED Firmware
Here we will use the WLED web installer to upload the firmware. First, connect the ESP32 or ESP8266 to the…
Google Home:
Arduino IoT Cloud ESP8266 Home Automation
In this IoT project, I have explained how to make an Arduino Cloud ESP8266 home automation system to control appliances…
Smart Home IoT Project using Arduino Cloud & ESP32
ESP32 Smart Home IoT project to control 4 relays & monitor room temperature using Arduino Cloud, Alexa, IR remote, and switches. Circuit + Code.
ESP32 project using Google Assistant Alexa & Sinric
Make IoT-based ESP32 project using Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, & Sinric to control relays. Explained Circuit + Source Code.
Blynk IoT:
Home Automation using ESP32 Blynk Bluetooth IR
Make IoT-based home automation using ESP32 Blynk + Bluetooth + IR remote + Manual control relays using FREE tools (Circuit + Source Code)
ESP01 Relay Project using Blynk IoT
Make IoT-based ESP01 Relay project using the Blynk IoT & manual switch under ₹200 or $4. Explained Circuit + Source code.
Water Level Monitoring system using ESP8266 Blynk
Make IoT-based Water Level Monitoring System, control pump using ESP8266, & Blynk. Get LOW Water Level notification. (Circuit + Code + PCB)
Tasmota ESP32 Alexa voice control Home Automation with Sensor
Circuit + step-by-step guide to make Tasmota ESP32 Alexa Home Automation system to control 8 relays with Amazon Alexa and switches.
Tasmota NodeMCU ESP8266 Home Automation Project
Circuit + step-by-step guide to make Tasmota NodeMCU ESP8266 Home Automation project to control 4 relays with Alexa and switches.
Tasmota Alexa integration guide
Tasmota Alexa integration step-by-step guide to control the Tasmota devices with Amazon Alexa. How to resolve Tasmota Alexa not working issues.