Make IoT-based Cadio Home Automation using ESP32 Google Assistant. Control relays with voice commands & switches. (No WiFi + EEPROM)

Make IoT-based indoor plant watering system using ESP32 Blynk & Capacitive soil moisture sensor. Having AUTO & MANUAL mode. Circuit + Code

Make IoT-based Water Level indicator using Ultrasonic sensor, ESP32, OLED, & Blynk. Get LOW Water Level notification. (Circuit + Code + PCB)

Make practical IoT-based Amazon Echo Home Automation system with fan dimmer using ESP32, ESPAlexa library, & Bluetooth. (Circuit + Code)

Make a practical IoT project using the Smallest ESP32C3 from the XIAO series & DHT11 sensor with the Blynk IoT platform. (Circuit + Source Code)

Make ESP32 Blynk IoT + Bluetooth + IR Remote + Manual Switch control relays with Fan Dimmer circuit explained with Circuit and Source Code.

Make practical ESP32 IoT project using ESP RainMaker, Sensors to control relays & Fan Speed with Alexa, Google Home, IR remote, & switches.

Make a practical home automation system with Fan Speed control using ESP32, sensors, and the New Blynk IoT platform. (Circuit + Source Code).

ESP32 Project to control 8 relays with Google Assistant, Alexa, IR remote & switch. Remember the last GPIO state (EEPROM). Circuit + Code.

Make an IoT Project using ESP RainMaker with Google Assistant, Alexa, Bluetooth, IR Remote & manual switches for FREE. (Circuit + Source Code)

Make ESP RainMaker Home Automation with Google Assistant, Alexa, IR, & manual switch. Also, add Timer & monitor Sensors. (Circuit + Code).

Make an IoT project using ESP RainMaker with Google Assistant & Alexa to control 8 Relays with Voice commands and Switches. (Circuit + Code).