Make an IoT project using ESP RainMaker with Google Assistant & Alexa to control 8 Relays with Voice commands and Switches. (Circuit + Code).
Make ESP8266 IoT Project to control relays with Blynk + Google Assistant + IR Remote + Switches. Also, add Automation for Sensor + Timer.
Make IoT project using ESP32 to control relays with Blynk + Google Assistant + IR Remote + Switches. Also, add Automation for Sensor + Timer.
Make a LoRa ESP8266 Arduino IoT project with Google Assistant and Alexa. Explained transmitter and receiver Lora Circuit & Source Codes.
Make an IoT-based MQ2 Gas sensor and rain detection system using NodeMCU ESP8266 or ESP32 with Blynk Notification. (Circuit + Code).
Make the LoRa Project using Arduino ESP8266 control relays with real-time feedback on OLED display. (Download Circuit + Source Code).
Make FREE Arduino IoT Project using Arduino UNO & ESP-01 to control relay with Google Assistant, Alexa, IR Remote & Switch (Circuit + Code)
Make Arduino Relay project with EEPROM to control appliances using Bluetooth, IR Remote, and manual switches. (Circuit + Source Code)
How to add a device to new Blynk IoT platform using a template and generate an Blynk Authentication Token to program ESP32 or ESP8266.
Make an IoT project using ESP32 NodeMCU networks with new Blynk IoT to control relays from the Blynk IoT app & switch. (Circuit + Code)